Spoilers alert… I hope you have watched Barbie the movie. If not, please click out of this blog post now.

If you have watched the movie and you felt emotional or cried about any of its content, please continue to read, because that is an indication of where you are in your healing journey.

I laughed my head off from beginning to end because I have awakened and I have healed.

First of all, I want to say to you:

You are no ordinary Barbie! 

I don’t know about you, but the idea that “wearing a nice top and getting through the day” is what life is about does not sit well with me. That is so depressing! All we can manage is getting through the day intact. Really? No thank you. I want to feel happy, fulfilled and thrive. How about you?

If so, here are just a few ways to improve your situation:

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed, there are ways to feel better so that you can start thriving again. You can self-assess and notice where your energy is getting drained and you can find strategies to protect yourself from overwhelm.

  • You have to learn to really love and respect yourself because the more self-love and self-respect you have, the less likely you will fall for the manipulations of men, and women! (It’s not just men who can be manipulative and make you do things that you don’t really want to do.)

  • Find your purpose, the reason you get up in the morning and what makes you smile. 

You are an extraordinary woman and you can do anything you put your mind to. You just have to believe in yourself. 

If you cried or felt sad during Barbie the movie, that’s a sign you are not in your power, you don’t know who you are and you feel like a victim of the patriarchal society.

Another option could be that you are not following your true passions, and you have not discovered your purpose yet.

What did you think about how the movie ended?

I was disappointed with the ending of the movie because the first thing that Barbie does when she becomes human and gets to live in the real world is to go to the gynecologist! 

Barbie was wearing a suit and I was sure that she was going to a job interview. That for me should have been a more empowered ending. Instead of just looking pretty and partying, she could have gone to find herself a job she would like doing, something that will make her feel fulfilled and useful. Given that she is just the “stereotypical Barbie” she could have wanted to discover what her path is. Who does she want to become?

Let me ask you the same question… 

Who do you want to become?

What inspires you and motivates you? 

If you are not sure how to answer these questions, or if you don’t know how to get there, I can help you!

If you want to feel empowered, find your purpose, and live your best life, get in touch by completing my contact form


