Relationships are the most important aspect of our lives because humans are relational beings and the relationships we have in our lives, or we don’t have, can impact our well-being, self-worth and self-esteem. 

If you surround yourself with positive and supportive people, you will be feeling happy, fulfilled and thriving, but if you surround yourself with inconsistent, emotionally unavailable or toxic people, your wellbeing or your own mental health will be depleted and seriously compromised. 

So, the most important thing is to have discernment. You have to really know what’s good for you and what isn’t. 

You need to have strong boundaries and if something, or someone, is affecting your sense of wellbeing, you can say no!  If something doesn’t feel good to you, then you don’t have to keep those things or those people in your life. 

Boundaries are there to protect you, not to protect others. You are responsible for your own happiness and you can choose who you surround yourself with. 

And if you fall into the same hole every time, that means you have not yet learned your lessons, you’re not fully self-aware and you don’t have a clear vision of who is in your energy field.

Your energy can attract or repel people.

If you have unhealthy habits, then you’re not taking good care of yourself. How can you expect other people to truly care for you, if you’re not taking care of yourself in the first place?

You will attract people who don’t respect you and your boundaries.

Self-care starts with you first.

If you want your reality to change, you need to take a good look at yourself first.

You need to look at where you are not taking care of yourself and your own wellbeing.

You can’t please everybody, you will not be everybody’s cup of tea, and not everyone is for you either! And you have to know exactly who is not for you, so that you can cut those people out of your life without remorse.

Failure to do that, it will mean that you will not be able to rise and shine.

One time I made a cake and when I looked into the oven to see if it was baked, I realized that it was cooked but it was flat as a pancake. I forgot to put the baking powder into the mix! So I couldn’t be really surprised if the cake didn’t rise.

Sometimes we try something and it doesn’t work, and sometimes we try and it does work!

Did you have all the right ingredients? Or did you miss something? 

We all make mistakes sometimes, it's part of life. But we need to learn our lessons and then we need to move on. 

It’s ok to protect yourself when something doesn't feel right. Listen to your gut.

You are protecting yourself from experiencing something that might be detrimental for your health and wellbeing.

If you’re tired of falling into the same holes and end up heartbroken, disappointed or burned out, then you and I need to work together, because you are not addressing something in your life that needs to be addressed in order for you to live a happy and fulfilled experience on this planet.

So, stop justifying yourself or others with excuses because you don’t want to look at the real problems.

Because the problems will not go away unless you address the root causes, and you make changes in your own behaviors and in your own habits. 

Do you have unhealthy addictions? I don’t mean substances or food. It can also be addictions to chaos, drama, gossip or negative emotions because that’s what you experienced in the past. If so, you will continue to attach yourself to these things unless you become self-aware.

You need to decide that you want to live a happy life and have healthy relationships.

It’s not an easy journey, but it is worth it in the end because you are worth it, and you deserve to live a good life with people who love you and support you. You don’t need people who are trying to compete with you, bring you down or want to see you lost and unhappy.

Do you want to rise like a beautiful cake, or do you want to feel flat as a pancake?

You decide when enough is enough.

Are you ready to make deep and lasting changes in your life? Then book a free consultation with me.

I am here to support you and I want to see you thriving and living your best life.


