It’s so important to become aware of your emotions and your reactions in your body because it will improve not just your health, but your relationships and your communication skills with the people in your life.

If you are aware of your emotions, you can self-regulate and you don’t have to seek distractions, self-soothe or self-medicate with substances, food or alcohol.

And then you can address the problem rather than trying to suppress it. In fact, you can’t really suppress a problem, and it’s not going to go away by magic. Unless you address the underlying issue and solve it yourself, and you take full responsibility for your health and happiness.

You can’t control what’s going on around you and you can’t control how people behave towards you. You can only decide how you respond to the situation. You can blame people or you can make yourself sick and stressed, and cry for days on end, and make yourself depressed… 

Or you can take your power back and decide that you’re not going to respond, and you’re not going to react. You will disengage, when you can, to protect yourself and your peace. And focus on yourself or what you can control, which is your mindset.

You can decide to be negative and feel like a victim, or you can make the choice to focus on the positives without dwelling on the negatives and move forward. Doing this will improve your life because you’ll develop healthier habits and coping mechanisms, rather than resorting to the old patterns that actually didn’t serve you for your highest good.

Being aware of your emotions will also improve your relationships. Because during every interaction you’ll be aware of your sensations and your thoughts. And so you can be more present in the conversation with people, and be more empathetic towards their feelings. 

If you’ve got self-awareness, you can be there for people and you can gauge their feelings and their emotional states. You can be supportive while you’re talking to them, validate their feelings and notice how interacting with you makes them feel, so that you can be a good presence in their life, not with the intent of manipulating or getting something out of people, but just because you want what’s best for them. 

You won’t need the validation that you’re a good person, because you already know who you are, which means you won’t be neglecting your own needs and your own well-being. It’s all about being fully in your body and in your power.  It’s about respecting yourself, so then you can acknowledge everyone else's emotions and respect them as humans, because we are all the same.

It doesn’t really matter what position people hold in life, whether it’s your boss, your lecturer, a public figure or a person perceived as having more power than you. We’re all the same. The only thing to bear in mind is that there are boundaries: boss/employee, lecturer/student, or mayor/citizen. It’s a boundary that you need to be aware of and respect, because your boss has more authority and decision-making power than you do. And if you’re a student, you’re there to learn from someone who knows more about that topic than you do, and as a citizen you can’t decide and rule a city! But just because they’re in a different position than yours, it doesn’t mean you are inferior to them. 

When you’re self-aware, you become more confident within yourself as well, because if you know who you are, then you can be who you want to be.

And then you can relax because your body is not always on high alert. You can relax into the world and be you, and accept yourself for who you are, with your imperfections, with your quirks and improve what you want to improve.

Do you want to become more emotionally resilient? 

Do you want to become more physically resilient?

Do you want to become a better communicator?

Do you want to become better at expressing your emotions and assert yourself with confidence?

Do you want to have a job where you feel more valued?

You decide! And those decisions will improve your life. You can’t expect other people to do it for you, or to make you happy. You are in charge of your life.

But if you feel that at the moment you’re not in charge of your life, then book a free 30 minute discovery call with me!


