Your energy is precious and you don’t want to waste it with the wrong people, with the people who will make you feel drained. It is so important to stay in your energy. Your energy is your power. That’s why you need to keep strong boundaries. 

What are boundaries? And why are they so important, especially if you are a Highly Sensitive Person?

Without strong boundaries you will leak your energy into your environment, like water through a colander. You will give your energy away to your boss, partner, coworkers, or family members. And you will feel drained. Your cup will become empty very quickly. That’s why you need to fix the cracks of your imaginary cup and fill it with the things you love doing, the people you enjoy spending time with, and the activities that are fun for you. This is how you will refill your cup and replenish your energy.

Say no to the things you want to say no to, and don’t feel guilty for looking after yourself. Don’t be swayed. Set your boundaries and keep them.

How do you want to be treated? What do you accept and what you won’t tolerate? 

Be very clear about your values and morals, so that you don’t bend yourself to make other people feel comfortable. Be unapologetically you. Express how you feel calmly and confidently. The people who love you, will respect your boundaries and they will want to see you happy. 

By having stronger boundaries you will also be able to notice more quickly and more clearly who doesn’t have your best interest at heart. And if people are more interested in themselves or all they care about is their own agenda, you will drop them like a hot potato. You won’t tolerate what doesn’t feel good or what hurts you. You won’t stay in relationships that don’t enhance your life and you will be able to cut those people out of your life promptly. 

Your life is precious. Your energy is a gift. Don’t give it away to undeserving people. Protect your own personal space. Protect your energy. Only give your energy to the people who are deserving of it, to the people who will respect it and cherish it. Don’t give your energy away to everybody. People need to prove to you that they can be trusted with it. Until then, you hold your boundaries.

You are in charge. You decide who gets access to you and to your energy. You don’t need to explain yourself or your reasons. 

And it’s OK to make mistakes sometimes. Contrary to what is commonly believed, I think first impressions don’t count.  WelI, at least that’s actually inaccurate. You will get an impression when you meet someone for the first time, but then you need to verify it a second, a third time, or how many times it takes for you to feel safe around that person. That’s because people will be on their best behavior initially and often they will seem very charming at first. In fact, if they are too charming, or they seem too good to be true, be extra careful and keep your boundaries up. And if you have let your boundaries become too loose too soon, you can put them up again. No explanation needed. It’s ok to backtrack as and when it’s required.

When and where do you draw a line?

Does this feel difficult for you to do? Is it hard to keep your boundaries with people or you over explain yourself?

If your answer is YES, then you need to work on your boundaries. I know it can be hard to do at first, and so I am here to help you.

Once you have strong and healthy boundaries in place, your life will dramatically improve.

Get in touch with me and we can work on this together!


