Some people, especially those who don’t respect boundaries, will try to get information out of you, or about you,  because information will give them power over you. They will study you and ask you questions to understand your weaknesses, so then they can manipulate you even better. The more insight they have about your life, the more they can keep you under their control and make you do what they want. 

But life is not a game of chess.

The only person you should have power over is yourself. You can’t change people and people won’t change for you. The only person you need to focus on is yourself.

Self-awareness is the most powerful tool you can have. If you gain insight over yourself, about the patterns that you carry out subconsciously from childhood, and those beliefs that have been ruling - and ruining - your life, everything will start to change for the better.

Those unhelpful patterns and beliefs have stopped you from achieving the life you want and the relationships you desire.

Highly sensitive people are able to experience a wide range of emotions, even in a single day. This is not a weakness, it’s a superpower.

Emotions have a lot to tell us and we have to pay attention to them. This is an advantage we have over narcissistic people, because they are not in touch with their own emotions. They shut their emotions down due to their childhood trauma, subconsciously, as a protective strategy. But this is their weakness in fact, because they have no insight over their own lives. They live in a fake reality that they have created for themselves in order to feel loved.

Narcissists will try to tune in with other people's emotions though, to gain insight and power, so that they can manipulate people more easily.

Instead, we should use our emotions as powerful tools to give us insight over our own lives.

If you want your life to change, you have to look within first, and then you’ll be able to make valuable and durable changes in your life.

If you just look at other people's emotions to gauge whether they are able to give you what you need, whether it’s attention, validation, money, prestige, you will only make external changes in your life. You might be able to buy things or elevate your status and that will make you temporarily happy. 

But if you want a deeper, more meaningful life, then those things will not be enough to make you happy. Acquiring material things won’t make you feel truly fulfilled, it’s only a temporary fix. You’ll feel satisfied initially, but then you will look for the next fix, and the next thing, and you will never be able to fill that void inside you.

Narcissistic people look outside of themselves for happiness and validation because, deep down, they are not happy with who they are. Although they justify in their own mind why they need to behave like that, they know exactly that what they’re doing is bad, but if they want something, they’ll do whatever it takes to get it. All that matters to them is to have their needs met.

If you are ready to make some lasting changes this year, let’s dive in. Let’s take a deep look into your own life, your own habits, your own beliefs. Let’s see what is useful and what isn’t, let’s make the necessary changes so that you can make long lasting improvements to your life, create deep connections, find purpose and meaning in your work, and make this world a better place as a result.

What is the gift that you bring to this world?

What makes you feel energized?

What depletes your energy?

Which people do you enjoy spending time with?

If you realize that your life is better when certain people are not around, that’s the proof you’re dealing with a toxic person, with an energy vampire who is depleting you of all your energy. Toxic people feed off your emotions, they use your life force and they don’t give you anything in return. In fact, they leave you feeling exhausted and drained. So let’s stop giving energy to vampires and fuel our own lives instead.

Start working with me now with a free consultation.


