How many times have you watched La La Land? I personally have lost count! And so I asked myself, why do I like this movie so much and keep going back to it? And the answer came...

You have untapped potential and a bold dream which you’d like to turn into reality.

Let’s look closely at Mia’s story.

Mia starts the day stuck in traffic while still trying to memorize the lines for her audition, because her dream is to be an actress. She has a busy day working in the coffee shop and she’s late for her audition. She rushes out of the shop and because her mind is elsewhere, she bumps into someone who spills coffee on her white shirt. She gets to her audition already stressed out and she has to wear her jacket over her stained shirt. She’s not in her best shape and so she’s not giving a good performance. She gets home deflated, has a shower and wallows in bed.

But then Mia meets Sebastian and she starts to enjoy life a bit more. They go to the cinema and they explore LA like tourists, falling in love with their city and with each other. Most importantly, Seb tells Mia she’s amazing and she can achieve whatever she wants. She can even write her own play and be the star of her show! 

So Mia slowly starts to believe in herself, and also thanks to Seb’s nudging, she eventually stages her own play in a theatre. Unfortunately the show doesn’t have a great turnout and Mia feels like a failure, dumps Seb, packs her stuff and goes back to her parents to wallow in self-pity. She’s self-sabotaging, she decides to give up on her acting dream and go back to school.

On the contrary, Mia’s show was in fact a success, even if she didn’t see it that way, because she gave it her best shot and although there were only a few people in the audience, there was also a producer who offered her an audition for a film in Paris. 

All you need is one person who believes in you and gives you the chance to showcase who you really are and what you can do.

Mia at first doesn’t even want to go to that audition, but Seb challenges her and pushes her to go, in fact he drives her there. She was afraid of embarrassing herself and she had a fear of failing. 

But what if you succeed?

And in fact Mia gets the part and she becomes a famous movie star in the end, just like she pictured it in her wildest dreams.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it, but you have to believe in yourself.

Not everyone has a Sebastian in their lives, but my role as a coach is to support you every step of the way towards achieving your big dream, whichever it may be for you.

I will help you to uncover the beliefs that are holding you back. 

Mia says ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘there are girls just like me but prettier’. These are self-limiting beliefs. Most likely you say things like this to yourself and you’re not even aware of it. Instead, I will help you see how great you actually are. I will give you a gentle nudge when you need it. I will listen to you and I will make you trust your own abilities, so that you can start to believe in your greatness too.

I will help you find the self-esteem you need to make it happen. But self-esteem needs to be followed by a clear vision and inspired action. It won’t magically happen at the click of a finger. 

You need to work on your self-confidence and self-worth, and you need to take action every day towards that dream. 

It’s hard to do it all by yourself though, I know. You need people cheerleading you to success! I will help you see how amazing you are and I will gently encourage you to take those steps which will lead you to where you want to be.

I can help you discover your untapped potential. Then it’s up to you to take those actions and make it happen. The power is in your hands. You can sit and do nothing, or you can take action towards your dreams.

You can do this! I believe in you, trust me, and you’ll believe in yourself too.

Get in touch for a free discovery call and we can find out if we are a good match.


