1. If you’re looking for compliments or praise from other people (friends, colleagues, boss, partner) rather than being happy with who you are, then you’re looking for external validation. Also, if you’re basing your happiness on material things like having a big house and a fancy car, or getting a dog, or having a very active social life, you’re basing your happiness on things outside of you, and you’re always looking for the next best thing. You’re thinking that when you’ve got that thing you desire, then you’ll be happy. But when you eventually get that thing you wanted, you realise you’re still not happy. That's because you’re not happy in the now and you’re not living in the present, you are living in the future.


2. You’re often critical about yourself, your image, your weight, the way you dress, or you say things like “I’m so stupid” or “I’m such a fool”. You punish your body with strict diets for a short period of time or you excessively exercise for a while like preparing for a marathon. You keep yourself extremely busy all the time so that you don’t have to think about yourself or your issues. This shows that really you don’t value or respect yourself.


3. You don’t like to make mistakes or you need to feel in control at all times, and when you lack control you feel anxious. You want things done to your standards and for this reason you don’t like to delegate, because otherwise things won’t be done properly. Those are standards that you’ve put upon yourself because you have really high expectations from yourself. This means you’re a perfectionist and you’re not being kind to yourself.


4. You are a worrier and you want to fix everyone’s problem. Also you don’t pick your battles and so you get exhausted because one can’t always be fighting something, and when things annoy you, you just can’t leave it, you want to solve the problem, but then you get stressed out and you burn out as a result. This shows you don’t have healthy boundaries with people and you feel responsible for their happiness.


5. You make decisions based on fear because you want to avoid pain or disappointment at all costs, but by fearing these things you actually attract them into your life. Then you begin to think that bad things always seem to happen to you. And without even realising it, you’ve developed a negative mindset.


Especially because you’re an Empath, it’s very important to keep a positive mindset.


Empaths are natural manifestors and we attract what we think. 


If you live in lack or fear, you attract more of that negativity into your life. For example, you might be thinking there’s not enough money, not enough beauty, not enough love in your life. You only see what you don’t have, rather than being thankful for what you already have.


Once you’re happy with what you’ve already got in the present moment, even if it’s not perfect, then you are elevating your vibration and you’ll start to attract more positive things into your life. And from that base, you’ll continue to build a life you really love.


What you need to have is an abundance mindset to attract more abundance into your life, as opposed to a scarcity mindset.


I used to self-sabotage in those very same ways and it took me some time to change my mindset, to work on my fears, my lack of self-love and self-respect. This is not overnight work! 


But when you are happy in the present moment, then everything begins to change around you, because it all starts with you.


The problem is that you can’t see your blind spots, no one can, and you often can’t see your greatness.


I can help you see all of that and I can support you in overcoming your self-sabotaging behaviours.


Book a free chat with me and make 2022 the year you change your life!



