Coaching helps you to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

It will also help you to become aware of your starting point and to be clear about where you want to get to. This is not a given, because if as a child, you experienced some form of abuse from your parents or caregivers, whether it was physical or emotional, your self-awareness is probably clouded by those experiences.

And while physical abuse is easy to spot, it’s more difficult to identify if you were abused emotionally, especially if you’ve been gaslighted or made to believe that’s what normally happens and it’s acceptable in family dynamics. 

Childhood trauma affects your brain and how you process information. And this will affect your  relationships later in life. Unconsciously you will create those patterns over and over again until you’re forced to become aware of them, and you start to heal them, bit by bit.

The key is to become aware, and coaching will help you raise your awareness of your patterns and to understand your current situation, because unless you face your reality, healing will not truly happen.

Unless you look inside yourself and what’s been happening for you in the present, you will not be able to truly start the healing process. Facing reality is daunting and it can be triggering because you will relive some of your traumas. Emotions will be brought up again, in your mind and in your body, but unless you do this work, you’ll still be stuck where you’ve been up until now, making the same mistakes and falling into the same unhealthy situations. 

Your boundaries will continue to be overstepped, if you are not clear where your boundaries are and how to reinforce them when necessary.

It’s good to have massages, reiki, or other holistic therapies. These practices are helpful healing aids, and they will make you feel temporarily better, or they will help you release some pent-up energy in your body, and even some trauma that was stored there, because the body keeps a record of it.

Sometimes you don’t even need to fully understand or know what the trauma is to let it go. Your body will do the work with the help of an expert healer. But to heal emotional trauma and relationships trauma, you have to take a good hard look within yourself, bring up those emotions, process them and let them go.


This is my new motto.

You can let go by having some bodywork, or energy work done because what will happen is that you will be letting go of some unwanted emotions or energy stuck within your body, but that will not change your relationships. 

It won’t help you to create boundaries so that people will stop taking advantage of you. It won’t help you to understand why you’re trapped in toxic relationships, or why you end up in an abusive work environment.

Bodywork and energy work will make you release some stress, but after a while the stress will reappear as you go back to work or you return to that unhealthy relationship. You will feel that not much has changed in your reality because you haven’t dealt with the root cause of the problem. 

And chances are like that if you keep getting stuck into unhealthy relationships, you probably don’t  know why that is happening, because you are unconscious, you’re not aware of what you do and why you do it.

You can only start to change your life once you become aware of why you do what you do, and then you can start to modify your behavior accordingly. You can create healthy boundaries and consequently healthy relationships by changing the way you think and the way you act around people.  

Then your reality will start to change because people will respond to your behavior, they will start to respect your boundaries, and your mental state will attract better things and better relationships into your life. You will be able to manifest the life you want by doing this deep healing work.

So, if you want to make truly lasting positive change in your life, get in touch with me.


If you are ready to take that really good hard look within yourself and see what unhealthy patterns you have inherited from your parents such as codependency, lack of boundaries, self-criticism, self-sabotaging, overthinking…

We will unpack these things together if you work with me, so that you can heal your life.

I’ll help you to identify what kind of relationships you deserve, what kind of job you are meant to do, and what a healthy work/life balance looks like. Coaching will help you to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Get in touch for a free discovery call.


