I finally understood the actual meaning of the sentence ‘your body is your temple’.

Would you enter a beautiful temple with muddy shoes and spread mud all over its sacred floors? 

No, you wouldn’t. You would take your shoes off and walk in gently, with respect.

So, it’s the same with your body.  

Why do you want to feed your body a lot of crap, or do things that are not good for you?

Your body is the place you live in, it’s the place you spend the most time in. Why wouldn’t you want to care for it?

And so I started eating healthily and exercising, not because the doctors tell me that I should stop eating fat, or sugar, or cut my caffeine intake. I did it because I care about my body.

It’s not because “I’m trying to be good”. I want to be healthy because I care about myself and my body. 

If you are trying, you are not succeeding!

This is the shift that needs to happen in your mind if you really want to live a healthy life and lose some excess weight.

Losing weight shouldn’t be your end goal. Your end goal should be feeling healthy and happy in your body. 

Last weekend I was walking along the canal. It's my favorite place, if you follow my blogs or if you know me personally, you’ll know by now.

All of a sudden, I saw a man lying on the canal path and waving his hand up in the air. And so I said to my friend “someone has fallen down, let’s go check out!”.

I asked this man if he was well, if he thought there was something wrong with him, and he replied, “no I’m just drunk, I’ve been thrown out from the supermarket.”

I then said “yeah, I see, you’re just drunk.” My friend kindly asked him if he needed help to get up. So he helped the man up to standing and I noticed he was very wobbly. I worried about him and I said “can you please don’t walk along the edge, because I’m worried about you. You’re drunk and you might fall into the canal next time.”

He replied “I fell in the canal before and I broke an arm.” So I said to him “shall we try not to do that again?”. And he said to me “I don’t know why I drink. I don’t want to drink anymore. I don’t like to feel this way.”

I commented, “that’s really good, you said you don’t want to drink anymore. Remember that later on.” I told him to be careful and to look after himself. He said he will. I waved him goodbye in Italian with a ‘ciao’. He waved back at me and uttered “ciao bella!”, which made me laugh.

That little interaction was really powerful and I somehow felt I made a difference in that man’s life.

I really hope that our brief encounter and our conversation made him think about his drinking habit, why he does it and if he doesn't want to do it anymore, hopefully he’ll quit or he’ll ask for help if he needs it. There’s so much support available out there.

I felt such a positive energy coming to me afterwards. This is what I want to do. I want to help people heal.

And because Empaths are natural healers, if we are in our own best physical health and mental health, then we are able to heal other people.

But first of all we need to heal ourselves, understand our own blocks and triggers, and overcome our limiting beliefs. We need to sort our life out, and then we can help with the lives of others.

I wish that all Empaths realized that they are so powerful, they have a gift and they can use it to heal the world in their own unique way.

The way I heal people is through coaching, but it'll probably be different for you. It might be through another profession or in another capacity, but you can make a difference in the world, and it’s such a great feeling when you notice that you’ve helped someone, that you really made a contribution in your own special way.

So, what is your special gift or talent? How can you heal yourself and heal others too?

If you want help in uncovering your true potential, get in touch with me and we can talk about how coaching can help you.


