
Being highly sensitive isn't something to hide.

It’s your superpower

I show highly sensitive women how to protect their energy and embrace their true nature, so they can stop apologising for who they are and tune into their subtle superpowers to live the life of their dreams.

Work with Francesca

Free Consultation

Free 30min coaching conversation

Get Ready

90min coaching session to go deeper

Get Steady

12 week coaching programme to empower you


A 6 month group coaching programme to help you create the life you desire. One 90 minute group session a month. The group participants are kept to low numbers so I can personalise to you and your needs.

It’s Your Time to Shine

It’s your birthright to blossom and to grow, and to become the person you want to be.

During this six month 1-to-1 coaching programme we’re going to define the things you want in life without being afraid of what other people might think or might do to you.  People only have the power you give them.

6 x 1 hour monthly coaching sessions, tools and exercises tailored to you, email support through the six months.

I finally know what matters to me

“Francesca helped me expand my thinking, see parallels between things that I previously hadn’t and gain clarity on what matters to me.

She is extremely perceptive, very supportive, non-judgemental and you feel that she really cares about you as an indidivudal and helping you achieve.”

- Katie

I found my inner fire

“During my coaching sessions with Francesca I had the opportunity to explore different topics and goals. One session we worked on my organisational skills, another day she helped me come up with a plan to improve my anxiety, and overall the most important thing I was able to get more life balance. Sometimes Francesca asked unexpected but very simple questions, and at the time I couldn’t understand how to answer them, then in between sessions my brain kept working.

I can say I did not only have honest and open conversations with her but with myself. When I’m alone and feeling lost with my mind chatter I go back to my notes with Francesca and read phrases which might not make much sense to other people but to me, those words (words I actually came up with!) really help me come back to myself and fight back to get closer to wherever I want to be.

I’m really thankful for Francesca’s patience, kindness and for challenging me when necessary. She is a brilliant coach.”

- Carla

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

  • Any little criticism goes deep and hurts you inside like a knife

  • Your mum says you should have a haircut and instantly you feel inadequate

  • The workplace is a daily trigger, like to be successful or happy you need to be more like them

  • You use food, chocolate or alcohol to numb yourself against the daily stress and overwhelm

  • You frequently put other people's needs ahead of your own and you give away too much of yourself

  • Asserting yourself and saying 'no' is extremely hard, or you feel like you always need to justify your actions

  • You find it difficult to wind down in the evening and your mind is racing


You’re fabulous

Being highly sensitive isn’t a weakness. You’re a superwoman, or you can be when you learn to stop seeing your nature as something you need to change, and start seeing it as part of who you are, and you are proud of it.

When you fully accept yourself, you’ll have nothing to hide. You can relax and enjoy being yourself in the world. But if you lack self-acceptance, it’ll affect your confidence and it can stop you from achieving your full potential.

Radical self-acceptance will make you feel empowered. And you’ll also be more resilient to criticism. Nobody is perfect, and while you accept yourself for who you are, you can also continue to improve yourself in all areas of your life.

You’re not alone

80% of the population may treat you as over emotional, too sensitive or dramatic, but 20% are right there with you. You are not alone, but you might feel like you are because you don't know you are a Highly Sensitive Person or Empath.

Sign up to my mailing list and find out if you’re one too!


Stop being put into that box of ‘the gentle soul’. Being sensitive doesn't mean you're weak or "less than". There's nothing wrong with you, you're just different. And it’s OK.

Your sensitivity is your greatest strength!

And when you fully accept yourself, you live life as your most authentic self, then your realness becomes your greatest strenght.


Stop trying to fit someone else’s mould

and start being true to yourself

After years of trying to be more “like them”, I realised you don’t have to change who you are. It’s OK to be me, I’m not wrong. I’m sensitive but powerful. And now I live life on my own terms.

If you feel anxious and you burn out on a regular basis, it’s because having to change yourself to fit in is exhausting. Trying to impress or please people is wasting all your precious time and energy.

And then you feel like an empty shell, you have nothing left to give. You don't have the headspace or the strength to do all the things you would like to do.

You feel like you lost your spark or you are the shadow of your old self, which makes you believe you're broken, and that you need to be someone else to be happy/ successful/ accepted.

And that's not true.

Highly Sensitive People  are not broken. Or weird. Or over emotional. They just have a different nervous system. And when they learn how to look after their sensitive nature, they can be powerful and live incredible lives.

But at the moment you feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. And so you keep yourself stuck in your comfort zone, which has become to feel uncomfortable and led you to unhappiness. Your gut feeling is telling you there must be more to life than this, but you don’t think you’ve got what it takes, you believe you’re not strong like those women.

You just don’t realise how powerful and strong you can be. Once you learn to protect yourself from sensory overload and to calm your sensitive nervous system, you’ll begin to hear your inner voice. Your intuition is your greatest gift as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person.
You have to know yourself and play to your strengths, rather than thinking you’re weak.

How I can help you

I know exactly how it feels to constantly be living a life to please others. And it’s only when I discovered I’m an Empath, I realised that there was nothing wrong me. I just had to learn how to protect my sensitive nature. Being highly sensitive isn’t something to be ashamed of, or squash out of you.

Set boundaries - when you become good at setting boundaries around how people interact with you, you’ll feel respected because you no longer allow yourself to be teased and you can stand your ground. In fact being highly sensitive can work to your advantage. When you’re in your power, you can send your own energy into the world.

Let go of self-doubt - stop second guessing yourself all the time and worrying you’ve done something wrong or upset somebody.

Become emotionally resilient - resilience is believing that no matter what life throws at you, you trust you’ll overcome it because you have yourself to fall back on. You’ll bounce back stronger than before. And if you need it, you’ll have the courage to ask for help. You don’t feel guilty or ashamed anymore because you know it’s OK to ask for help.

Get unstuck - start thinking outside the box and get unstuck by taking inspired action towards your dreams, one step at a time.

Befriend your fear - become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Release your fears around change and the unknown. Believe in yourself and in your abilities. You can get where you want to be.

Fulfilment is on the other side of fear.

I can help you tone down the volume of your negative thoughts and focus on how you want to feel instead, so you can make your dream life a reality.


I finally put myself first

“In the past I have found it difficult to make time to prioritise planning and developing myself, with the daily grind of family life and work. The sessions with Francesca have enabled me to successfully achieve this.

I found it useful to identify the areas I wanted to work on, we went through this step by step, and then created clear goals for me to achieve. This improved my motivation and focus. I was surprised how I completed things which I had been thinking about or putting off for years.

With Francesca I felt listened to, and she used a variety of coaching methods to draw out ideas and motivations from me. I felt fully supported and encouraged, even when things didn’t go to plan. In these instances she would help me identify why I hadn’t achieved, and then look at changing or adapting the goal.

I found the whole coaching experience very positive, and Francesca was great to work with. I achieved many of the goals I identified, and have plans and the focus to continue with them. I would fully recommend coaching with Francesca”
